Is Rice Water Good for Baby?

5 min read

When it comes to caring for a baby, parents always seek the best and safest options. In recent times, the use of natural remedies has gained popularity, and one such remedy is rice water. Rice water has been used for centuries in various cultures for its potential health benefits, and many parents wonder if it is safe and beneficial for their little ones. In this article, we will explore the topic of whether rice water is good for babies, delving into its potential advantages and risks. The article is submitted by

What is Rice Water?

Rice water is the starchy liquid left behind after rice is cooked or soaked in water. It is rich in nutrients and can be used for various purposes, including hair care, skin care, and even as a home remedy for digestive issues. Traditionally, rice water has been used in Asian cultures for its potential health benefits.

The Nutritional Content of Rice Water

Rice water contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is especially rich in B vitamins like thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin. Additionally, it contains trace minerals like magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. These nutrients can contribute to a baby’s overall growth and development. Discover the how to make rice water for baby.

The Potential Benefits of Rice Water for Babies

1. Soothing an Upset Stomach

Rice water has a gentle and calming effect on the stomach, which can help soothe digestive discomfort in babies. It is often used as a natural remedy for relieving diarrhea and other digestive issues.

2. Hydration

Keeping babies hydrated is crucial for their well-being. Rice water is a natural source of hydration and can be especially beneficial during hot weather or when a baby is unwell.

3. Nutrient Absorption

The nutrients present in rice water can aid in the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals from other foods, enhancing a baby’s overall nutritional intake.

4. Skin Care

Rice water is known for its skin-nourishing properties. It can be used as a gentle cleanser or added to bathwater to help soothe and moisturize a baby’s delicate skin.

5. Hair Care

For babies with hair, rice water can be used as a natural hair rinse to promote healthy hair growth and add shine to their locks.

How to Prepare Rice Water for BabiesIs Rice Water Good for Baby

To prepare rice water for babies, follow these simple steps:

  1. Take half a cup of organic white rice and rinse it thoroughly to remove any impurities.
  2. Place the rinsed rice in a bowl and add two cups of water.
  3. Let the rice soak in the water for about 30 minutes.
  4. After 30 minutes, swirl the rice in the water with your fingers to release the nutrients.
  5. Strain the rice water into a clean container, discarding the rice.
  6. The rice water is now ready to be used.

Safety Precautions and Risks

While rice water can offer potential benefits for babies, it is essential to exercise caution and follow these safety precautions:

  1. Age Consideration: Rice water is generally considered safe for babies who are six months and older. Introducing it too early may lead to digestive issues.
  2. Moderation: As with any new food or remedy, moderation is key. Introduce rice water in small quantities and observe your baby’s reaction.
  3. Organic Rice: Always use organic white rice to prepare rice water, as it is free from harmful chemicals and pesticides.
  4. Storage: Rice water should be used within 24 hours of preparation to avoid fermentation.

In conclusion, rice water can be a beneficial and natural remedy for babies when used with caution and in moderation. Its potential benefits in soothing an upset stomach, providing hydration, aiding nutrient absorption, and promoting skin and hair health make it an attractive option for parents seeking gentle and natural remedies. However, it is essential to consult with a pediatrician before introducing rice water to a baby’s diet, especially if the baby has any pre-existing health conditions. Always prioritize your baby’s safety and well-being.


  1. Can I give rice water to my 3-month-old baby?

Introducing rice water to a 3-month-old baby is not recommended. Babies younger than six months should be exclusively breastfed or formula-fed.

  1. How much rice water can I give to my baby?

Start with a small quantity, around one to two teaspoons, and observe your baby’s reaction. If well-tolerated, you can gradually increase the amount.

  1. Is it safe to use rice water on my baby’s skin daily?

Yes, rice water is generally safe for daily use on a baby’s skin. However, discontinue use if any irritation or sensitivity occurs.

  1. Can rice water help with diaper rash?

Rice water’s soothing properties may provide some relief for diaper rash. However, consult your pediatrician for appropriate diaper rash treatment.

  1. Can I store rice water for later use?

Rice water should be used within 24 hours of preparation. Storing it for an extended period can lead to fermentation and loss of nutrients.

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